
Showing posts from October, 2023

Production blog- doing the edits

 Hey, welcome back. I don't have to much to talk about today.  But I have a few updates on our music video. We talked about the scenes we filmed. Today I will be talking about the editing. I have some experience in editing from our last video. So shared my ideas with the group to make it look good. We started talking about the opening scenes first. And choosing the camera angles and the shots. Hailey told us about an idea she had for how the video would be played out. The ending of the video would be a black screen with "Gone Girl" in bold white letters. So it can emphasize the dramatic effect. And it will take place right after the car crash. I feel like this is a really good idea. My group and I talked it all over. We began editing and coming up with different designs for the screen. I will probably be in some of the scenes in the background. But for the most part I will be filming it. I think our filming process has been going good so far. I cant wait to finish it and ...

production blog- car crash scene

Heyyy blog! Guess what my group and I did. It is something so exciting. It was a lot of fun to film. OK, are you ready? We filmed our car crash scene. It took a long time to perfect. We had to get all the right angles. Hailey had to memorize all her lines. She had to know exactly what to do and when to do it. We tried filming from like 5 different angles. So we got multiple shots. Some were good and some were bad. But as a group we will watch them all over. I'm sure we will make the right choice for which was the best one. Then Kylee will have to start on the editing. There is still a lot that needs to be done. There is 12 scenes in total and only 5 have been filmed. So we better get to work. I am so excited to see how our video will turn out. Each one of us has and will continue to put so much of our time in this to make it perfect. who knew making a 1 minute and 15 second video would be so hard. Ok guys i will talk to you soon. Have a good one!

production blog about filming

Hey guys, what's up! So some of our music video was filmed over the weekend. I think it is going pretty good so far. The weather was amazing, perfect for a day of outside filming. No one would enjoy filming on a rainy cloudy day. Then it would bring down the mood of our music video, and make it seem sad and gloomy. Filmed so far is our opening scenes and outside scenes. The actor walking out to the car. Then putting the stuff in the car. You should start to remember that part from the storyboard. Hailey has been practicing for her roll. She has been learning new skills and techniques. Such as acting like there is no camera filming her and its just a regular day of her doing things. Hailey will be our main actor. But Marissa will be a side character and be in her flashbacks or the background. Kylee and I can also be included in the background of it. But for the most part I will be filming. So you probably wont see much of me. And Kylee is our editor for thus music video. I can't...

production blog: changing up the music video plan

 What's up guys! My group and I have been talking. And we decided to make a few changes. It is nothing major but I felt like you should be informed.  just the end of our video will be changed. One of our group members came up with a better idea. The idea is adding car crash scene with the last few seconds leading up to it. At first I did not think it was necessary. I thought our vid was good the way we had it originally. But as she explained it more, I started to like the idea more and more. I feel as if this ending will really be a good match with the sound effects in the song. Since the ending is getting changed, my group thought that the previous scenes should be changed too. But our storyboard is already done and have already come up with a plan. A different group member brought up that just the last three scenes should be changes. Then continue on with the original plan for our music video. I have been discussing the roles that each of us will play with my group. After ta...

production blog- editing

Hey blog, so today I will be talking to you about the editing for our music video. Cap cut is going to be our best friend through this process. We will be using Cap cut to edit all of our clips. From what I have seen and heard Cap Cut is one of the best ways to make your video top tier.  I feel that Cap Cut is very beneficial to editing videos like this. Cap Cut has tons of different templates to choose from. When you use the templates all you have to do select your photos or videos. Then comes the tricky part, figuring out how to edit and cut things. But that's why we have YouTube! I am very excited to start this music video. My team and will be dividing the work up. But we also will be there to help each other out. For the last video I made I was still new to Cap Cut. So I didn't really understand what I was doing. But all it took was a little practice so now I know a little more. Plus I will have my partners. That what they are there for, to help a friend out. I think our m...

Storyboard for my music video

scene one is a screen showing the title of the song and the credits scene two is the actor packing up her stuff to move to a new place scene three is the actor walking to her car with her stuff scene four is her putting all of her stuff in the car scene five is her getting in her car and having her last look at the house scene six is a wide shot showing her pull out of the driveway scene seven is a view from in the car of her driving by her new town scene eight is a show motion shot of the actors old college scene nine is a moving shot of the new town she is moving to scene ten is her walking to the front door of her new home scene eleven is a flashback from when she was moving into her last home scene twelve is the actor coming back to real time and shuts the door of her new home  

Research Blog: Music Video Conventions

Name of song: The weekend   Cams   This music video has mostly low angles and some eye level   This music video consists of long shots wide shots, establishing shots, medium long shots, medium shots, aerial shots   This music video uses pan camera movement and tracking shot   Editing   Crosscuts for every scene   Jump cuts to each scene   Sound   SZA singing   Mis en scene   Setting is different parts of a parking garage   It is just SZA in every scene   4 outfit/costume changes   The lighting switches between dark to light   Pro p s are a checkered floor board, drapes of plastic, glass walls   name of song: Good Days by SZA   CAMS   Angles used in the music video consisted of high angles as well as some Dutch .   Some movements in the video included zoom, tracking as well as tilt.   Camera shots in the video included the establishing shot (SZA in the bedroom) and wide shots. Othe...