production blog- car crash scene
Heyyy blog! Guess what my group and I did. It is something so exciting. It was a lot of fun to film. OK, are you ready? We filmed our car crash scene. It took a long time to perfect. We had to get all the right angles. Hailey had to memorize all her lines. She had to know exactly what to do and when to do it. We tried filming from like 5 different angles. So we got multiple shots. Some were good and some were bad. But as a group we will watch them all over. I'm sure we will make the right choice for which was the best one. Then Kylee will have to start on the editing. There is still a lot that needs to be done. There is 12 scenes in total and only 5 have been filmed. So we better get to work. I am so excited to see how our video will turn out. Each one of us has and will continue to put so much of our time in this to make it perfect. who knew making a 1 minute and 15 second video would be so hard. Ok guys i will talk to you soon. Have a good one!
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