production blog: changing up the music video plan
What's up guys! My group and I have been talking. And we decided to make a few changes. It is nothing major but I felt like you should be informed. just the end of our video will be changed. One of our group members came up with a better idea. The idea is adding car crash scene with the last few seconds leading up to it. At first I did not think it was necessary. I thought our vid was good the way we had it originally. But as she explained it more, I started to like the idea more and more. I feel as if this ending will really be a good match with the sound effects in the song. Since the ending is getting changed, my group thought that the previous scenes should be changed too. But our storyboard is already done and have already come up with a plan. A different group member brought up that just the last three scenes should be changes. Then continue on with the original plan for our music video. I have been discussing the roles that each of us will play with my group. After talking to them, it was decided that Hailey will be the lead actor. I might be in one or two scenes but will be filming for the most part. I think I would be a good person for this filming job. I enjoy talking pictures with actual cameras. But I will still need my groups help to make sure all ideas are agreed on and I don't mess anything up. That's all for today. stay tuned for my next blog.
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