production blog about filming
Hey guys, what's up! So some of our music video was filmed over the weekend. I think it is going pretty good so far. The weather was amazing, perfect for a day of outside filming. No one would enjoy filming on a rainy cloudy day. Then it would bring down the mood of our music video, and make it seem sad and gloomy. Filmed so far is our opening scenes and outside scenes. The actor walking out to the car. Then putting the stuff in the car. You should start to remember that part from the storyboard. Hailey has been practicing for her roll. She has been learning new skills and techniques. Such as acting like there is no camera filming her and its just a regular day of her doing things. Hailey will be our main actor. But Marissa will be a side character and be in her flashbacks or the background. Kylee and I can also be included in the background of it. But for the most part I will be filming. So you probably wont see much of me. And Kylee is our editor for thus music video. I can't wait to continue making this music video. I truly didn't think it was going to be much fun. But I am with a good group. Talk to you soon!
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