production blog- how I will edit

  Hey guys ! Welcome back to the blog! Today I will be focusing around the first few days of editing on this Final Task. Once I gathered all the footage from my group members. I put all the videos in one album. Once i get it all together I import the footage into our editing app. This is where I am going to be doing all of the title designing. Before I could do any titles I needed to make sure I had the first Rough edits done. So I will edit and fix all the footage to get a rough draft of the Final Task. This mostly included getting rid of bloopers and poor quality clips. As well as excluding any unneeded footage. Once this draft was complete I will to start learning how to do the Effects. I did not know how to do the editing that I would have liked to have. So I tried make sure I learned everything I would need to know about making these titles. It was very hard to focus on it. I had to watch boring YouTube video's on how to edit. But as soon as I figured it out, I started to do more editing. It went much better this time. But I still need some more time editing. And we still have a few more parts to film. But all of that should be done very soon. I tried a rough draft of editing and it was hard. But I will keep trying to learn how to do it. That is it for today blog. thankyou for reading. Talk to you soon! 


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