production blog- How filming went
Hello there again! It is me! I am so happy I can finally talk about my filming process with everyone, it really has been an awesome journey. This final task has been so much fun to do and I enjoyed it so much, in my opinion. I really liked the filming process of this task. So in this blog, I will talk about some things I really liked doing as the designated camera person. I will say that I was not the best filmer in the world. But I do think all of the shots came out pretty well at the end. I would film everything with my Phone and then send them in a group chat. Then everyone would have the clips and everyone could split the editing work evenly. Solving the issue of what was I going to use in the film the movie. I want to talk about how my experience during the filming and what I liked about it. I really enjoyed how after checking off all the angles needed for the movie itself I was able to use my own free creativity. I got to use any type of angle I liked to make the movie look better. I actually felt like a cameraman and really enjoyed it. I also really liked how easy it was to film this. Although my teammates messed up at times I could always retake the shot without any problems and look back at what I filmed. One last thing I do want to mention is that the spot the team decided to film at. It is very open and colorful since we choose the park and beach. So in the clips, the background is very colorful and the quality makes it look way better. Overall I enjoyed my time being able to film and having the experience to film. Well this is it for today's blog, goodbye for now!
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