Genre Research Adventure

 Hey blog. Today i will be talking to you about adventure film. Common angles and shots used are Pan and tilt. Those are the basics, but then you can use those in other dolly shots, crane shots, and aerial shots. Hand-held shots are popular these days for adventure filmmakers in particular. Lighting that is mostly used is Three-point lighting is a standard method used in visual media. By using three separate positions, the cinematographer can illuminate the subject any way they want, while also controlling shadows produced by direct lighting. something that I liked about adventure films is the themes. It takes us on a journey to discover our truest nature. While adventures started in fiction, they leaped into film and television as soon as the mediums came along.  Adventure film is a genre that revolves around the conquests and explorations of a protagonist. The purpose of the conquest can be to retrieve a person or treasure, but often the main focus is simply the pursuit of the unknown. These films generally take place in exotic locations and play on historical myths.This genre gives us danger, excitement, and a meaningful journey for the protagonist. Adventure films were intended to appeal mainly to men, creating major male heroic stars through the years. These courageous, patriotic, or altruistic heroes often fought for their beliefs, struggled for freedom, or overcame injustice. Like characters leaving their home or place of comfort and going to fulfill a goal, embarking on travels, quests, treasure hunts, heroic journeys; and explorations or searches for the unknown. Adventure films were intended to appeal mainly to men, creating major male heroic stars through the years. These courageous, patriotic, or altruistic heroes often fought for their beliefs, struggled for freedom, or overcame injustice. Something that didn't appeal to me in this genre was action adventure movies where the only people allowed to die is the confirmed is confirmed bad guys. That is all I have for you about adventure.


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