
So you watched my commercial, what did you think. Ok so today I am going to give a little reflection for this commercial. I learned how to use cap cut. I am definitely going to need a lot more practice with it. But for a first time cap cut user I think I did ok. I learned that making a commercial can be very difficult. You have to figure out how you want to do it. What you want to do it on. What pictures you want to add. What videos you want to add. What music you want in the back. What type of transitions you want. Who will be a part of the commercial. Its a lot. I felt as if for the next commercial I could do a little better. I should have added a video or 2 instead of just pictures. But I still think it turned out good. I really hope you enjoyed watching my video and learned a think or 2 about me. Talk to you soon! 


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