production blog.
Welcome back to my blog. So I have already talked about how I am going to edit my commercial. what I am going to do to make it a good commercial. And what I want to add to my commercial. I am still a little unsure about the transition I want to use. But I bet I will know exactly what I want when I get to the editing phase. I did decide that I want to use basic transitions. nothing to crazy or outgoing, I want something simple. Something that will keep the commercial at a smooth pace and the switching of pictures will look natural. Once I get all my clips together I will add little captions to some of them. My clips will be something that represent me and my life. So obviously the captions will be talking about what that image is. Music, I also want the music to match the vibes of my pictures. Something that is upbeat and fun but also simple. I thought by the time I was at this point in the blog I would know what I wanted to do for my commercial. But no, I am still struggling on what to make it about. I don't know if I want to make it like an ad, or an all about me. In my past production blogs I talked about the production process. I said what I want to add, what am going to use to edit and how I make the blog. Soon I will upload my commercial for you all to view. I had fun creating it and I hope you enjoy watching it. Thanks for sticking around, Stella out!
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