production blog

 Hey, your back! Today I am going to give a few tips on how to make a commercial. First you will want to maintain a clear brand representation throughout the commercial. So basically making sure that the item you are talking about is the main view point in the video. You will want to use a story to keep your audience engaged. Make your video something that will catch peoples attention and make them want to keep watching. Also include a popular theme or a famous person so your video is well remembered. Focus on one idea. Don't have your video be about different topics. You don't want your viewers to be confused and not interested in watching. Make the commercial as professional as possible. Don't just record a video with your camera and send it in. Add different angles and shots. Make sure to have some type of humor in your video. People love to have a laugh while watching a movie or show. So if they are laughing at a commercial it will make them want to watch more and pay attention. Make sure to use the right ingredients. When I say ingredients I don't mean like flour, most effective commercials employ a combination of emotional pull. Weather its humor or an empathy, it has a message that attracts viewers. But make sure to keep it simple. Remain true to your message and ensure all production decisions that support it. Well that is all I have for you tonight. Talk to you soon. Stella out!


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