Production blog
Hey blog, welcome back! So when I'm producing my commercial I would start by brainstorming some ideas and creating a storyboard. Then i will shoot my footage and be using CapCut. CapCut has tons of different templates to choose from. When you use the templates all you have to do select your photos or videos. Then comes the tricky part, figuring out how to edit and cut things. But that's why we have YouTube! But I feel that CapCut is very beneficial to editing videos like this. I could also use tiktok as an editing app. People will make edits about their favorite singers or celebrity crush and it tends to get a lot of views. People want things that are American made. Have someone famous that a lot of people know and can connect with in your commercial. Figure out your demographic and target them specifically with language and imagery. An idea I had was the erasable pens. it starts with kids walking into class and the teacher says for everyone to get out a pen and paper. But one student forget a pen and her friend offers her one of hers. She made a mistake and was upset because you cant erase pen. But her friend says don't worry there is an eraser just for pens on the back. Production blogs are production ideas. Another on is to offer a percentage of your profits gets donated to a charity. Well blog that is all I have for you today. Hopefully next time we meet I will have an idea for my commercial. BYE!
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