Production Blog
Hey guys! Its Stella and welcome back to my blog. So I've been storming up some ideas of what I will be doing to be doing to produce my commercial. Like the editing, the tweaking, the process, my inspiration the review, and whatever I'll be doing to get the commercial done. I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do so I can come up with music and pictures but I have no idea. I think I want to do my commercial on something that a lot of people know. Something that the people can relate to and will catch their attention. I want to have newer music that people like listening too. But I also like the older music from the 2000's, so I'm having a hard time deciding. I want my music and pictures to match. so when a new picture I will put a new song. I want the pictures to change the same as the video does. I'm not exactly what type of pictures I want to put. But they will either change with a fade out or dissolve or something like that. I don't want the cuts in my commercial to be random. I want them to have meaning so they are understandable and at a certain time. Depending on my layout and design I will probably add a few songs. Songs set the mood of the video so that is how I want mine to be. If its a sad part it will be a sad, slow, quiet song or if its an mysterious song I will play that type of music. But I hope I figure out and get a better understanding of what I want to do, so I can plan out my songs. I hope I can make my commercial something that will kind of represent me and my life. I am still thinking of ideas but I'll update you. thanks for coming to todays blog, see you soon!
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